VEMS 2022 - So are you one of those doomsday preppers? (Breakout Session-H3)

The Virginia Emergency Management Symposium 2022 was the first in-person symposium held by VEMA since March 2019. In this presentation UVa Medical Center Emergency Coordinator Nat Sellers explores the motivating factors behind preparedness, how to make it effective and long-lasting, and what we as emergency managers can do to help individuals in that goal.
Is all preparedness the same? Does emergency management hold a monopoly on effective emergency preparedness? What are the differences and similarities between building a "culture of preparedness" and the prepper sub-culture? Is there a conflict between those goals? An exploration of the motivating factors behind preparedness, how to make it effective and long-lasting, and what we as emergency managers can do to help individuals in that goal.

Speaker: Nat Sellers, UVa Medical Center Emergency Coordinator

Breakout Session from March 23, 2022
VEMS 2022 - So are you one of those doomsday preppers? (Breakout Session-H3)
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