VEMS 2022 - By our powers combined: converging cybersecurity & emergency management (Breakout Session-E4)

The Virginia Emergency Management Symposium 2022 was the first in-person symposium held by VEMA since March 2019. In this presentation VDEM CyberSecurity Manager Christopher Cruz looks at cyberattacks and emergency management in Virginia.
Hybrid Incidents, those with a significant cyber and physical component, are becoming more prevalent and impactful year after year. From Colonial Pipeline to JBS to civil unrest events, there is a growing need to establish a proper common operating picture not only inclusive of both cyber and physical security, but one that incorporates the preparedness and recovery philosophies of emergency management as well. This presentation will look at the growing impact of cybersecurity in the emergency management space, the roles emergency managers can play within cybersecurity incidents, and how we are driving towards a more unified and inclusive approach to cybersecurity in the Commonwealth.

Speaker: Christopher Cruz

Breakout Session from March 23, 2022

(same audio was enhanced to allow listeners to hear audience questions)
VEMS 2022 - By our powers combined: converging cybersecurity & emergency management (Breakout Session-E4)
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